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Equipping Men In Ten Episodes

Ten-minute, laser-focused teaching by Jim Ramos to help you become your best version of a man.
Feb. 28, 2023

MANLAWS: 101 Ways to Get Your Man Card Revoked (and Rules to Live By)…

Too close at the urinal? MANLAW VIOLATION. Looking another guy in the eye while eating a banana? MAN CARD REVOKED! In this week’s equipping episode, Jim Ramos walks you through his hilarious new free book, “MANLAWS: 101 Ways to Get Your Man Card...

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Feb. 23, 2023

The Godly Man’s Greatest Asset (It’s Not Love) EP 620

Do you have the Godly man’s greatest asset? While Godly men should love others, there is actually a more foundational trait that comes before it. In this week’s extended teaching, pastor Jim Ramos teaches you what to look for in yourself and other...

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Feb. 21, 2023

The Godly Man’s Mission: 5 Identifying Traits of a Godly Man - Equipp…

What is a Godly man? There are 5 things Godly men do that set them apart from the rest. If you are a follower of Christ, God has an assignment for you. He created you for a specific mission that you are uniquely designed for. In this week’s...

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Feb. 13, 2023

Grow as a Man of Prayer: 5 Time-Tested Tips - Equipping Men in Ten EP…

You know you SHOULD pray, but do you have trouble blocking out consistent time for prayer? In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Jim Ramos shares 5 time-tested, simple ways for you to become a man of prayer.  of Jim's Newest Free Book...

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Feb. 6, 2023

Grow in the Word: The Easiest 4-Step Method to Become a Man of ONE BO…

Do you struggle to be in the Word most days of the week? Do wish you knew the Word of God better than anyone in your family? In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, Jim Ramos teaches you personal, time-tested steps to...

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Jan. 30, 2023

What's YOUR Hero Story? Why Your Story Matters: MitA's 365 in 365 Cha…

Have you made changes in your life? Changes that are so significant that your loved ones are starting to notice? Has God used the ministry of Men in the Arena to change your world? If that's you, we want to hear your story. This year, Men in the Arena...

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Jan. 23, 2023

Goal-Setting 101: Lessons from 45 Years of Achieving and Failing Pers…

Are your New Year's Resolutions abandoned already? Ever struggle to set goals you will actually achieve? Do you know how to work with God to decide on your goals? In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, Jim Ramos outlines the lessons...

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Jan. 17, 2023

Why You Can Trust the Bible - Part 5 - Equipping Men in Ten, EP 610

In part Five of our series 'Why You Can Trust the Bible,' pastor Jim Ramos will share why you should trust the Bible.  of Jim's Newest Free Book Download!

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Jan. 14, 2023

Bonus: Sword, Shield or Cross? The Protector, Jim Ramos at The MAG

When should a Christian man fight, and when should he turn the other cheek? You've been taught the meaning of "turn the other cheek" wrong. By the end of this episode, you'll be able to answer these two questions: What does it look like for a...

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Jan. 9, 2023

Challenge Yourself and Your Family in 2023. Here's How! - Equipping M…

Looking for a way to pull your family together in 2023? Want to challenge yourself like never before? Is your body begging you to do something to reclaim lost ground? This week, Jim Ramos introduces our 2023 fitness challenge, the Coast-to-Coast Team...

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Dec. 12, 2022

12 Days of LEADING Christmas: 12 Ways to Point Your Family to Christ …

Are you tired of your family's Christmas being all about gifts and spending money and not about Christ? Do you get to the end of the season and realize that, despite your good intentions, it was still all about the STUFF? This equipping episode is...

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Dec. 9, 2022

Her Body, Our Choice: Abortion's Devastating Impact on Men, and What …

Are you a man whose partner had an abortion and you're struggling to heal? Are you on the fence about whether life begins at conception? Or do you wonder if, as a man, you have the right to have an opinion about this at all? This week,...

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Dec. 6, 2022

Why You Can Trust the Bible - Part 4 - Equipping Men in Ten, EP 600

In part four of our series 'Why You Can Trust the Bible,' pastor Jim Ramos will show you how both external and internal evidence makes the Bible the most RELIABLE literary work ever written.  of Jim's Newest Free Book Download!

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Nov. 28, 2022

Why You Can Trust the Bible - Part 3 - Equipping Christian Men in Ten…

The Uniqueness of the Bible  of Jim's Newest Free Book Download!

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Nov. 23, 2022

Why You Can Trust the Bible - Part 2 - Equipping Christian Men in Ten…

If the Bible was written by mere men, then how can you call it the inspired Word of God? In Part 2 of his series on trusting the Bible, Jim Ramos explains why you can trust that the Bible is from Him, and can trust how the church fathers...

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