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Equipping Men In Ten Episodes

Ten-minute, laser-focused teaching by Jim Ramos to help you become your best version of a man.
June 23, 2023

7 Secrets of the Smart Step-Dad: How to Do Blended Families Right - E…

Are you a step-dad, or about to be? How does a dad navigate a second marriage with a blended family successfully? How can you avoid the traps and set yourself up for success? In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos walks you...

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June 20, 2023

3 RED FLAGS for the Christian Heart: Where's Your Heart Headed? - Equ…

Christian, where is your heart headed? Are you slipping into the danger zone? In this week's 10 minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos gives you 3 red flags for the Christian heart. These three "H's" 🚩🚩🚩 will help you figure out if your...

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June 6, 2023

5 Mistakes Even Good Dads Make - Equipping Men in Ten EP 650

If you're listening to this podcast, you're probably a pretty good dad. But there are 5 common mistakes that even GOOD dads make. In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, Jim Ramos describes the five types of mistaken dad he's seen over and over...

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May 31, 2023

Television and the Christian Man: Who's the Tool, the TV or You? - Eq…

How much TV do you watch each night? If you're a typical American, it might add up to more than you think. In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, Jim Ramos takes a look at television's place in the life of a Christian man. Some of the ideas in...

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May 23, 2023

Jim's Top 17 Books for Men: Your Manly Book List - Equipping Men in T…

In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, Jim Ramos outlines his top 17 books for men, along with why they are must-reads for every man. His list includes 2 Bibles, 3 biographical adventures, 6 fiction, and 6 nonfiction. Add these books to your reading list:...

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May 16, 2023

Why Wife > Kids for the Christian Man - Equipping Men in Ten EP 644

Men, who do you prioritize in your family? Who is the most important person in your world? Your wife? Your kids? You mother? Does this change if you’ve been remarried and have kids from your first marriage? In today’s 10-minute equipping episode,...

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May 9, 2023

Wedding vs. Marriage: Smart Wedding Choices that Reduce Divorce Rates…

The average wedding today costs almost $30,000! And half of the time, that $30K investment is flushed down the toilet in divorce. However, there are wedding planning choices that you can make to reduce the chance of your marriage dissolving and...

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May 2, 2023

One Job Only a Man Can Do: Calling Out Femininity in Our Wives and Da…

Men, do you know that you have a unique role in fostering beauty and femininity in the women in your life? It’s a job that only a man can do. In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Jim Ramos teaches you 5 things you can say to call out the...

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April 18, 2023

Accepting Your Wife - Equipping Men in Ten EP 636

You love your bride, but do you accept her? In today's 10-minute equipping episode, Jim Ramos walks you through ONE thing you can do to change the course of your marriage now.   The month of April is when our ministry raises most of our operating...

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April 11, 2023

Loving Your Wife Through Brokenness: The Deeper Meaning Behind Your M…

Is there something about your wife that really bugs you or frustrates you? It may be a sign of something deeper going on. In this 10-minute equipping episode, Jim Ramos unpacks one way that you can change the course of your marriage.

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April 4, 2023

Is She Your Soul Mate? 4 Questions Dating Men Should Ask - Equipping …

Single guys, how do you know the woman you’re with is THE ONE? How do you find your soul mate? And should you date a woman who doesn’t believe the same things you do? In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Jim Ramos gives you 4 questions...

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March 28, 2023

How a Christian Man Should Treat His Wife - Equipping Men in Ten EP 6…

Why do so many marriages fail? How should a Christian man treat his wife to help his marriage thrive? In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Jim Ramos teaches you the principles of the “Eight-Cow Wife” and the “Five Star Man” to help...

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March 21, 2023

5 Ways to Tech-Proof Your Kids - Equipping Men in Ten EP 627

Are you concerned about your kids’ screentime? You know this stuff is addictive, but how should you manage the use of phones, video games, computers, and TV in a way that makes sense in a digital world? There are a lot of opinions out there on how...

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March 14, 2023

10 Things Great Dads Do (That Average Dads Don’t) - Equipping Men in …

Are you a great dad? How do you know? In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Jim Ramos gives you a 10-item checklist to help you know if you’re average, mediocre dad or an excellent one.

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March 7, 2023

The Godly Man’s Habits: 7 Marks of a Godly Man - Equipping Men in Ten…

Christian men, there are 7 specific habits that Godly men build into their lives. Are they built into yours? On this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Jim Ramos shares what a Godly man does, and helps you identify whether you have a blind spot...

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