Most church men's ministries are set up wrong! If you're wondering why your church's men's ministry is dead in the water, or if you're are about to start a men's ministry and want to avoid the most common mistake, today’s 10-minute equipping episode...
There are ignorant voices in the world calling masculinity toxic. True masculinity is a blessing to the world, and there are some loads that God designed only men to carry. In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos shows you how...
Ever feel like the season of life you're in will never end? Are you in the stress bubble trying to keep up with all the pressures of life? In Part 2 of his series "Seasons of a Man's Life", Pastor Jim Ramos shares the final 2 seasons of manhood...
Ever feel like the season of life you're in will never end? Are you in the stress bubble trying to keep up with all the pressures of life? In Part 1 of his series "Seasons of a Man's Life", Pastor Jim Ramos shares the first 2 seasons of manhood...
Congrats brother, you’ve married a strong Christian woman. But, what does she NEED from you? In her core, what does she need and want from you on a daily basis? In today’s 10-minute equipping episode, pastor Jim Ramos teaches you the 4 core...
One of the biggest questions men ask is, “what does a spiritual leader look like and how do I become one in my home?” In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos reviews 3 practical ways men can lead by example using 1st Timothy...
Want to meet Jim Ramos in person? In this week’s equipping episode, Jim Ramos tells you about 3 upcoming in-person events on both coasts where you can come out and meet him. [Honor God through your fitness....
Are you believing LIES about God? You might be surprised. The enemy tells Christians these 7 lies about God and his nature to try to keep us away from Him. Thankfully God’s Word can dispel them. You may be hindered from living your best life in...
You work hard, but are you working the right way? Will you be done working when you're retired? What place should work have in the life of a Christian man? In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos walks you through a brief theology...
The Dad Type Quiz is live! Take it at What type of Dad are you? We've discovered there are 8 basic types of dad, with their own strengths, issues, and challenges. Your career type and phase of fatherhood changes the issues you face as a dad. In this...
Have you ever noticed that men are often "blindsided" by divorce? Too many men seem to be losing their wive's hearts without realizing it until it's too late. If you want to avoid that fate, this week's 10-minute equipping episode is for you. In this...
Have you noticed married Christians calling their spouse their "partner?" Many modern Christians are using this antibiblical word to describe their husband or wife. In this 10-minute equipping episode, pastor Jim Ramos teaches you why this word should...
Are you overweight? Exhausted? Busy? Out of shape? This is your episode! In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, Jim Ramos shares his "one word" for 2024 and the 5 health rules he has committed to live by this year.
The man of God carries a unique load. Six, in fact! In this 10-minute equipping episode, pastor Jim Ramos teaches you six things a godly man carries to His world that help those in it win. When a man gets it—everyone wins!
Men and women are different. This shouldn't be a controversial statement, but it is! In this episode, pastor Jim Ramos unpacks five things he's discovered about how, generally speaking, GOD (not culture) made men and women INHERENTLY different.