Take the DAD TYPE QUIZ! Which of the 8 Dad Types Are You?
Sept. 12, 2023

AMA #7: Christian Men and Sexy/Thirst-Trap Social Media Accounts - Equipping Men in Ten EP 676

AMA #7: Christian Men and Sexy/Thirst-Trap Social Media Accounts - Equipping Men in Ten EP 676

In this AMA episode, Jim Ramos answers three questions submitted by our social media audience: 1. "Is a Christian man commenting on or following sexy/thirst trap type social media accounts infidelity?" 2. "What if my 'Christian' boyfriend or fiance is...

In this AMA episode, Jim Ramos answers three questions submitted by our social media audience: 1. "Is a Christian man commenting on or following sexy/thirst trap type social media accounts infidelity?" 2. "What if my 'Christian' boyfriend or fiance is doing a lot of 'non-Christian' things?" 3. "I saved myself for marriage, but my spouse didn't. How do I move past that?"