Is the woman you're dating "The One?" How can a man know? In this week's 10-min equipping episode, Jim Ramos helps you decide if the one you're with is the soul mate God has for you. [Honor God with your fitness! Our podcast sponsor is the...
How should Christian men choose who to date? Christian dating can be tricky. In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos gives you 5 things to look for in the women you date. If you choose a Christian girlfriend and date her using...
How can a dad raise strong, confident, godly kids? In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos gives you 7 pro tips for dads. Implement these 7 things in your home and parenting, and you'll raise children that grow into strong,...
So you've given your life to Jesus - what do you do next? In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos walks you through 5 simple things you should do now that you're a Christian.
Are you REALLY saved? Is the prayer you said in middle school enough to get you to heaven? How can you know FOR SURE that you’re saved? In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos teaches you what the Bible says about how to...
You know you should be the spiritual leader, but where do you start? In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos teaches Christian men how to get started on spiritual leadership, even if you haven't been setting a great example up to...
When is it OK for Christians to get divorced? What does the Bible say about divorce? In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos walks you through the 2 biblical grounds for divorce. [Honor God through your fitness. Use code...
Should Christians tithe, or was that just for Jews? What does the Bible REALLY teach about tithing? The verses you usually hear about tithing might not mean that at all! In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos teaches you what the...
Is it a SIN for a Christian man to smoke pot? Now that marijuana is legal in many states, does that make it OK? In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos explores whether the Bible has anything to say about weed and its place in...
"Christians are sexist!” “The Bible is misogynistic!” We’ve all heard the accusations: many atheists and deconstructing Christians assert that the Bible endorses the oppression of women. In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim...
Are your kids part of the 48% of children today who won’t reach 18 years of age with both parents still in the home? If so, or even if your family is still intact, this episode will help you SHOW UP as a dad. In this week’s 10-minute equipping...
We all want to be successful leaders and fathers in our homes. But how do we properly assess where we’re at and what areas we can improve? In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos breaks down the 5 levels of leadership a dad...
Are you a know-it-all? Do you have trouble taking criticism? Pretty sure you don’t need direction from others? Find yourself judging the way others do things? Having a TEACHABLE spirit is vital when you’re living out your best version of life in...
Men, are you stuck in the daily grind? Wondering if you’re getting anywhere? Often we can’t see the forest for the trees. How do you zoom out to see the bigger picture in the Stress Bubble? In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, pastor Jim...
No men’s ministry at your church? You can start one! Today, Jim Ramos, pastor and founder of Men in the Arena, will walk you through his newest resource. Born of thirty years of starting transformational small groups, The Men’s Ministry Playbook...