Men don't have an excuse on why they aren't being a man. Joe Martin helps men wherever they are at or what their past looks like. Joe is an award-winning international speaker, author, educator, and certified “man builder.” He's authored or...
The Father is irreplaceable to his children. Men, you are needed by them. We hope this episode encourages you to step into that role with boldness and passion. Pete has been involved in developing men for over 40 years, helping guys come to...
Gene Getz speaks of the 20 attributes of a man. We have to ask ourselves, How do we measure up? There are thousands of books published every year. However, very few stay in print—especially for years! “The Measure of a Man” is one of those...
Dr. Gene Getz is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, earned a BA from Rocky Mountain College, an MA from the Wheaton Graduate School and a Ph.D. from New York University. He has served as a professor at Moody Bible Institute and Dallas Theological...
Daniel Lagan has worked for Iron Sharpens Iron Men's Ministry fo rthe past 8 years. At the age of 30 Daniel has a lot of wisdom because of the men he surrounds himself with. He was raised with a work ethic and he was humble enough as a young man to...
Robert Kandell is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, best selling author, and has taught over 10,000 students in 400 workshops, coaching sessions and lectures how to live an authentic, unHIDDEN life. He is a veteran of many worlds and has spent time...
Jack Deere, formerly an associate professor of Old Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary, is a writer and lecturer who speaks on friendship with God and on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He is the author of the bestselling book, Surprised by...
For decades Patrick Morley has been regarded as one of America’s most respected authorities on the unique challenges and opportunities facing men. Through his speaking and writing, he is a tireless advocate for men, encouraging and inspiring them to...
Keith Collins shares about his book, Fatherless. Keith Collins believes that we are all more than our past. In a motivational guide for men of all ages, Collins details his own past as he grew up in Atlanta, witnessed his parents’ breakup at...
Yves Johnson is the President of Christ Is My Savior Ministries. He is a leader in developing and facilitating training programs for team building, team growth and executive coaching, and motivational speaking to Faith-Base organizations, military,...
Be ambitiously curious about your spouse. Dr. Jason Karampatsos is the lead pastor of New Life Assembly of God in Janesville, Wisconsin, the co-founder of the City of Refuge Counseling Network and the author of The Elephant in the Marriage. As an...
BJ Foster gives us tools to become a better dad. We tackle the importance of fully engaging with our kids as they grow. Being a dad who takes care of our kids financially is not enough. Men, there is more to be done. BJ Foster is Director of Content...
Brett Clemmer is a husband, father, disciple-maker, outdoor enthusiast, and avid Boston sports fan. Brett joined Man in the Mirror in 2000 and serves as President. His passion is to make the church relevant to younger men and men on the fringe. In his...
Men need to reach out, raise your hand, ask another man to mentor you, disciple you, help you to become stronger in your weak areas. Simply raising your hand and asking another man to come along side you on this journey is the beginning of great...
Corey Davis was on a fishing boat when the bow cracked and started sinking. He almost died 3 times while helping to save the crew. Enjoy this heroic story! Boots on the Ground Assignment. Find One Thing that you will do to express your love for your...