In Robert Kelley's book, he shares with us the roles and responsibilities of the Strong Man of God. Strong Man Ministries was formally launched October 1, 2005. It was the culmination of efforts by Rev. Kelley to reach and restore black...
David Dusek, founder of challenges men to make sure they have a guy in their life that has their six. Because, if the enemy takes out the man, he takes out the family. You may remember our previous podcast with David Dusek on episode . Boots on...
From his book, , Rev. Robert Kelley shares what the four responsibilities of a strong man of God are. Leader, Provider, Teacher, and Protector. Enjoy this episode and leave us a positive review.
Ray De La Nuez is the founder of the He can be found on youtube and many other sites. Ray's passion is to see OUR generation rise up & take hold of our identity in Him. From that place, all will come to the realization that we are...
Bo Quickel shares about the sex industry in a way that many do not know or understand. Serial entrepreneur and ex-international real estate developer, Bo Quickel is now the leading authority in North Carolina for advocating against the Demand...
Bo Quickel shares about the sex industry in a way that many do not know or understand. Serial entrepreneur and ex-international real estate developer, Bo Quickel is now the leading authority in North Carolina for advocating against the Demand...
We can all make excuses. But, we don’t have to let our circumstances stop us from going forward. Allen Schwartz is a son, brother, father and husband. He lives on a Century Farm in McMinnville Oregon with his bride of 32...
When it comes to leaving a legacy many men fall short. Many leave brokeness. What kind of legacy will you leave for those you love? Joe Pellegrino is a men’s pastor, author, speaker, certified life coach, consultant and entrepreneur. He is the...
Haines Maxwell is a part of a men's ministry that meets each week in a barn where men get real with each other. The things that happen there can only be described as heart surgery. You will be inspired to A. Find a "Barn" near you or B. Start...
Dr. Douglas Weiss has some of the best tools for men to beat their porn addiction. Or you may say you just dabble a little bit. It all leads to destruction. You are going to hear about this topic in a whole new way that we believe will help you...
Nate Larkin, author of , shares about the struggles men face with porn who are in the church, his story and how he overcame it, and what other men can and should do. Nate Larkin is the founder of the . A graduate of Princeton Theological...
Gordon Dalbey is the author of, There is such a thing as a rite of passage for men. Most men have no idea when or how they become a man. Gordon speaks to this and how the Heavenly Father is calling the man out in you. Gordon Dalbey's first book...
Many men go to church and struggle with the "worship". Jeff Deyo challenges men to look at "worship" differently. Jeff Deyo (@jeffdeyo) is a worship leader, author, recording artist, songwriter, speaker, podcaster, and professor who could eat...
Matt Friedeman shares on the topic of discipleship and who's responsibility this is in a man's home. How intentional should a man be at discipling his kids in his home? Can't a man just take them to church? The John M. Case Professor of...
Matt Loehr talks about accountability with action. Most accountability relationships include confession but do not require action. Are you asking the tough questions, and are you willing to be called out? Are you meeting each week with a...