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Interview Episodes

An interview with an expert in Christian manhood. Past guests include authors and thought-leaders like John Eldredge, Gary Chapman, Gene Getz, Patrick Morely, and Emerson Eggerich.
March 22, 2019

A Great Resource for You and Your Wife w/ Bill Perkins EP 227

Jim and Bill discuss the book that Jim reads to and with his wife daily.  The Jesus Story blends all four Gospel accounts into a single harmonious narrative while capturing the essence of each writer. Bill Perkins has conducted business and...

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March 14, 2019

Every Man a Warrior w/ Lonnie Berger EP 225

Lonnie Berger is the Global Director TWR Men’s Ministry and the author of Every Man A Warrior, a men’s ministry discipleship curriculum that has sold more than 100,000 books in 25 countries...

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March 8, 2019

Sex and a Man's Brain w/ Kirk Samuel EP 223

Kirk M Samuels is “The Intimacy Incubator”. He is a gifted speaker and an award-winning member of Toastmaster’s International. For thirty of the first forty years of his life, Kirk was addicted to pornography. Numerous relationships and careers...

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March 5, 2019

A Man’s Greatest Questions w/ Jeff Hart EP 221

What are the questions a man should be asking his friends? Do you care about their eternity? Jeff Hart answers these questions and more. Jeff Hart is the Portland Area Director of Search Ministries, since 1992. He leads Open Forum outreaches...

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Feb. 15, 2019

Understanding Who You Are w/ Gary Barkalow EP 217

Gary Barkalow has a passion and desire to help men know their calling and live into it. Check out his links below.  Boots on the Ground: Collect the dots in your life. Collect all the intel that you have Gary of the past and present that bring me...

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Feb. 7, 2019

Living the Adventurous Life w/ Jeff Andrechyn EP 215

So many men live the sedentary life when they are created to live The Adventurous life. They must choose to live a life of adventure or let life just happen. We suggest you choose the latter. "Genius is the capacity to retrieve wonder at will."...

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Feb. 1, 2019

Finding Balance in the Midst of the Busyness w/ John Strasheim EP 213

Life in the Arena (AKA the Bubble) is hectic. It can be exhausting at times with no end in sight. Are you stressed out? Has the busyness of life knocked you off kilter? How do we get a win over busyness and find elusive balance? Today's show will help...

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Jan. 25, 2019

Unleash Yourself on This World by Finding Victory From Past Wounds w/…

Much of what hinders us as men, is our inability to live as FREE MEN. We carry the scars, and wounds of our past. Things like unforgiveness, being violated or watching a loved one suffer, slows us down in our journey to manliness. Our...

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Jan. 11, 2019

Who’s Got Your Back? How Far Will You Go For Your Friends? EP 207

Men have problems building friendships sometimes. It is so important that you find a cultivate real friendships in your life. Who has your back? Who will be there for you when life gets tough? Justin & Patrick Born just over 36 hours apart,...

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Dec. 20, 2018

Fat to Fit and Blind w/ Brian Trent EP 205

Listen to the amazing story of Brian Trent who lost over 300lbs after his obesity led to him losing his eyesight. In this episode, we get a glimpse into his amazing journey. www.meninthearena.org

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Nov. 29, 2018

Don't Lecture Me w/ Hal Perkins EP 199

Learning how to parent by using the art of questioning and not lecturing. Join us with Hal Perkins as he shows us how to ask the right questions to our children. Hal and Debbi have given 40 years in studying and strategically applying the principles...

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Nov. 22, 2018

Becoming a True Warrior Part 2 w/ Michael Thompson EP 197

No man wants to be a wimp. Every man wants to be a warrior. Join us in this conversation will Michael Thompson as we learn what it is to have the heart of a warrior. Michael Thompson helped birth Zoweh Ministries and Authored:...

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Nov. 15, 2018

Becoming a True Warrior Part 1 w/ Michael Thompson EP 195

No man wants to be a wimp. Every man wants to be a warrior. Join us in this conversation will Michael Thompson as we learn what it is to have the heart of a warrior.   Michael Thompson helped birth Zoweh Ministries and Authored: Search and...

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Nov. 8, 2018

Overcoming Life's Tragedies w/ Ron Heagy EP 193

Ron Heagy broke his neck the day before his 18th birthday in a surfing accident. He is now a quadriplegic, paralyzed from the neck down. But he chooses to Never Give Up. After receiving a masters degree by typing with a stick in his teeth, he is now...

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Nov. 1, 2018

When Your Loved Ones are Violated w/ Mike Whitmer EP 191

How would you handle it if your baby was almost shaken to death? Would you dig a hole for the offender? Could you forgive the offender? Listen to this horrifying story that Mike Whitmer shares about this tragedy his family endured. And forgiveness...

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