Tom Cheshire and Tom Gensler with share from their book . They will take a look at Chapter 4. What are the obstacles when starting a discipleship relationship?
This episode is dedicated to Regi Campbell, the Founder of Radical Mentoring. Kevin Harris helps us to get a better picture of who Regi was and his heart for mentoring men. As the President of Radical Mentoring, my primary role is to connect...
Tom Cheshire founded RPM, Relevant Practical Ministry for Men, which is designed to be a resource to pastor’s, leadership and men to help equip them to disciple and mature their men, so that they may establish or re-create a sustainable...
Lieutenant General William G. Boykin, a native of North Carolina, was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Infantry from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1971. His early assignments in conventional units included the 2nd Armored...
Paul Coughlin is an expert witness regarding bullying and the law, and is a FoxNews analyst and contributor. He is a popular speaker who has appeared on Good Morning America, Nightline, C-Span, The LA Times, The New York Times, Newsweek and other...
Jeff Kemp is a champion for families, teamwork and God’s love. He graduated from and entered the NFL in 1981 as a long-shot free agent. He quarterbacked for 11 seasons with the RAMS, 49ERS, SEAHAWKS and EAGLES. Kemp led the Rams to the playoffs in...
As President of , Jasper leads the team while also focusing on operations, program strategy and execution, internal and external relationship building and growth. Jasper first came to pureHOPE as a long time board member and chairman. Before joining...
Jerrad Lopes speaks to being a father and our role as the spiritual leader in our home. Men have the responsibility to lead and Jerrad gives practical advise for all men. Jerrad Lopes is a Christian pastor and the founder of , a non-profit ministry...
Scott Hagan shares many quotes and thoughts that will cause men to stop and ponder how they are doing in many areas of their lives. This podcast should challenge all men to ask themselves if they are really living into their best version. Boots on...
Mr. Matthews is a national speaker and author of . Mr. Matthews is the Division Antiterrorism Officer for the US Army Corps of Engineers, protecting the nation’s Dams, Hydro-Power Plants, and Inter-Coastal Locks. After serving during Desert...
Do you have a spiritual coach? Are you broken in any areas of your life? Do you have clarity on what you want out of life? Do you want a break through. Joseph Warren started his first multi-million dollar business at age 19. He spent years...
There is power in a man's words. It is so important that men use these words for building up. A man is made for greatness and his words convey greatness or a wimpy man who is just existing. In 2001, bestselling author and speaker Rick Johnson...
Brent Silkey wants to inspire men to know that they have permission to pursue the dreams that God has put into their hearts. Brent Silkey is the Director of St. Paul Chi Alpha (College Pastor) sharing the message of hope with college students...
Drs. Paul and Virginia Friesen have been involved in Family Ministries for more than 40 years through family camps, church staff positions, speaking, consulting, and writing. In 2003, they founded Home Improvement Ministries (), a non-profit...
David Smith Shares about Relationships and being connected to other men. Without these connections men are toast! David Smith combines a lifetime of personal experiences, the research skills of a sociologist and his Christian faith to...