In this Equipping in Ten we dive into what your phone says about who is important to you. When your wife looks at your phone what does she see? Who is the most important person on the planet to you? Is your wife your lock screen home screen...
When your buddies think of your wife what picture do they have of her from how you paint her? Is she a rock star or a nag. How you frame your wife is so important! What does that even mean? Join us in this Equipping in Ten.
In this Equipping in Ten we look at affirming our wives brokeness. We are all broken and bring our brokenness into our relationships. You will see her flourish when you discover and affirm her brokeness
Do the Work is a mentality of getting up each day and giving it your best. In your home and in the work-place. Don't live the entitled life.
How you finish is key. Stay focused, go against the flow, and finish strong.
This episode is all about the Men in the Arena. Who are they and how do you become one of them? How do you join a virtual team? Listen now!
We all need rest. Don't think you can say yes to everything. Get Your Copy Now! of Tell Them, What Great Fathers Tell Their Sons and Daughters Men in the Arena Books and Swag Support the Podcast
Do your kids know you love them? Do they know that you are proud of them?
What does it mean to make an impact in your home and community? And How do you do it?
Are you the parent your kids need you to be or the friend you want to be? In this episode we want to encourage Dad's to parent well.
Rick Johnson's book 10 Things Great Dad's Do covers relationships that men should have. In this episode, Jim covers the importance of relationships for men and how deep we should go in those relationships.
What are the last words you spoke to your loved ones today? We hope "I Love You" was the main thing!
This podcast summarizes the 10 Things That Great Dads Do by Rick Johnson. Add 100 men to our Facebook page The Men in the Arena and we will send you a copy of Rick's book.
Take care of yourself. Don't be passive with your health.
Do you have secrets in life that if revealed can take you out or hurt your integrity? Get them out into the light and deal with them like men.