Should we be passive as Christian men or are we called to step in and defend the weak? What are you doing to defend the weak and powerless?
It's easy to sign up for the comfortable life. We were created for the strenuous life, where we strive for greatness and climb the mountains of adversity. This new year how will you choose the strenuous life and reject the passive comfortable...
What is the difference between being a man and a boy? Can you be a man and also, posses the attributes of toxic masculinity? In this episode, we weigh in on the commercial from Gillette.
Is there really a Man Card? How do we define Manhood? In this episode, we address the confusing topic of Manhood. The world can cause us to think that Manhood is achieved by age, strength, gender, or financial status. We disagree with these things. We...
How much do you know about your kids? Do you lecture or listen? What is on their hearts? What do they struggle with? In this Equipping in Ten, episode we will look at the most important questions that parents should ask.
Good dad's do certain things that are key in connecting with their kids. How well are you doing in these areas? What do you need to commit to today?
How well are you doing in the Three Legged Race with your spouse? Where does your relationship need a tune up?
In this episode, we discuss the thing that bonds a marriage together. You guessed it! Sex. By the amount of sex you and your wife have how healthy is your marriage?
What are the components of a healthy marriage? Join us in this Equipping in Ten as we discuss the Leave, Weave, and Cleave components of a marriage.
What is the most important guardrail around your marriage? Is it smart to talk about your wife negatively with other women? Or, is it really necessary and wise to have lunch/coffee dates with other women for "work"? The cultural norms are killing...
Knowing who you are? Knowing where you are? Knowing why you are? It is important to be an oriented man. You need to know who you are.
What secrets do you need to bring into the light? In this Equipping in Ten we ask the question are you hiding anything? Do you need to make some hard decisions? We hope this episode inspires you to do these things.
When was the last time you rescued your beauty? Your wife needs to be rescued. In this Equipping in Ten we challenge you to go from a zero to her hero. Men, we do not have the option to defer our responsiblity to rescue her.
How do you know that your kids are prepared to deal with bullies at school? What is the right response to a bully? We don't believe that we teach them to turn the other cheek. Join us to this equipping in ten on Bully Proofing your kids.
In this Equipping in Ten our goal isn't just to raise children of high moral character. We need to be raising children who defend the weak. Are you raising protectors in your home? What do they see in you?