In this classic episode of the Men in the Arena podcast, Gene Getz joined Jim Ramos to discuss his classic book, Measure of a Man. How do you measure up?
Has your "happily ever after” turned into struggling to keep your marriage alive? You might have begun your marriage with an incomplete picture of each other that is silently, invisibly destroying your relationship. This week, Jason Karampatsos...
Fighting? Miscommunication? Hurt feelings? Ever feel like you and your wife are speaking completely different languages? That’s because you and your wife have different communication styles. This week, author Bill Farrel joined Jim Ramos to discuss...
When Dustin Newman was 22, a devastating motorcycle accident tore off half his leg and ruined his left arm. The doctors said he’d never do a normal, full push-up again. In 2022, he joined the Men in the Arena push-up challenge and did 65,000! This...
Dad, you have just 18 summers to create a lasting connection with your children! Do you feel distant from one of your kids right now? Are you mistaking physical proximity for quality time? This week, author Jim Sheils joined Jim Ramos to teach you a...
Is your family addicted to screens? Are you feeling the pressure to get your kid a smart phone? This week, Brad Huddleston, author of joined Jim Ramos for a second time to make a case for a drastic reduction in your family’s screen time and to...
Dad, are you tired of yelling at your kids? Does your child seem to push all your buttons? Do you struggle with how to respond to rebellious or disobedient kids in a way that is loving but also holds the line? In this week's episode, host of the...
What separates those who quit from those who finish? Knowledge? Giftedness? Raw strength? We looked at the 41 guys who finished our 65,000 Push-Up Challenge and found their characteristics in common. This week, 12 of those finishers, including Rod...
Are you wondering where buzz words like “privilege,” feeling “safe,” “antiracism,” and replacing wife with “partner” come from? These come from a worldview called "Intersectionality." This week, joined Jim Ramos to make a case...
Does following Jesus make you a weaker, softer man? Ever heard men say that they won’t receive Jesus because it'll make them 'less of a man?' Maybe you've hesitated to go all-in for the same reason. This week, author Brian VanCleave joined Jim Ramos...
This interview went off the rails, in the best possible way! In this episode, Les Parrott joined Jim Ramos to talk about a book, but instead they ended up discussing his new tool called "Better Love" and how you can assess your marriage's strengths...
Do you know the difference between a fan and a follower? Our world defines 'follower' wrong. In this episode, Men in the Arena founder Jim Ramos explains the difference between a fan and a follower, gives you some tests to figure out which you are,...
Do you have what it takes to finish strong? Ever wondered why so many men today finish wrong and so few finish life well? We even see it in the Bible! If you want to be one of the few men who finish life with an exclamation point instead of a whimper,...
Are you a dad raised by a single mom? Are you a dad raised by a father who was there but not really there? Are you a dad raised by a father who wasn't a Christian? Thousands of Christian men are raising families but have no idea what...
Christian man, at what point will you say 'this is the hill I will die on?' It's time for us to rise up, men! It's time for the men of God to stop being silent! If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, you are going to love this podcast...