We are all trying to find ways to nudge our kids towards Christ. It's an uphill battle because of the influence of secular media and video games that are so prevalent in our culture. What if there was a way to let your kids explore and enjoy screen time but in a safe, Godly environment? In th…
What do you picture your marriage looking like in ten years? What about twenty? Will it be better than it is today? One thing is for sure: it will be different. The good news is there are some things you can start doing now and ensure your...
Are you called to be a leader of Men, or are you currently serving in a leadership position? It can be lonely at the top, pushing against the cultural norms and bureaucracy of the church to reach men. In this week’s interview, Jim Ramos...
Are you tired of witnessing a decline in moral values and a departure from a God-centered culture? What can you do TODAY to counter this trend and push back? In this week's interview, author Joe Oden joins Jim Ramos to discuss his book, "Prayer...
Do you hesitate to share your faith in Christ? Worry that you’re not qualified? Wonder how to do it without sounding weird? In this week’s interview, Jim Ramos is joined by Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson to talk about his new book,Gospeler:...
Have you lost a relationship over politics? Most of us have. The Church has slowly been divided based on partisan beliefs, and God is calling you to bridge the gap. The intersection of faith and politics doesn’t have to be messy. Thankfully, the...
How do your children KNOW when they have crossed into adulthood? There is an entire generation of young people who crave significance in a world of confusion, violence, and immorality. How can you help your children find their way to become...
Need a full-service revamp of your marriage? Today, Jim Ramos is joined by power couple, Drs. Paul and Virginia Friesen, as they help you avoid marriage pitfalls, offer tangible advice, and encourage you as you battle for your relationship with your...
Calling all WILD MEN! You know you’re called to be a strong Christian man, so why does the Bible tell you to be “meek?” And why does God keep calling WILD, UNRULY men to his cause? This world wants to break men like you, but God has different plans...
How should a single Christian man approach sex? What does honoring God look like when single, dating, or divorced? In this second episode in our two-part series on “SEXpectations," Jim Ramos is joined by Carol Tanksley, MD DMin, to discuss biblical...
Are you disappointed by your sex life? Many Christian men in otherwise happy Christian marriages are not getting the sex they hoped for. There are hidden motivations, lies, and expectations that may be manipulating your views on sex! In this two part series on “SEXpectations," Jim Ramos is joined …
Starting a men’s group can be daunting, and even for those who want to, it can be a struggle to find resources and a game plan to get one off the ground. Today, Men in the Arena's Director of Outreach Jay Penton joins Jim Ramos to break down the...
How do fatherless boys become men? A man steps in to teach them! In this week’s interview, Jim Ramos is joined by TJ Greaney, the founder of Kids Outdoor Zone, the nation’s fastest growing hunting, fishing and outdoor...
There are so many voices telling you how to parent, how do you sift through the worldly advice and get to the true spirit of fatherhood? In this week's interview, Jim Ramos is joined by Larry Hagner from Dad.Edge to discuss the roots of healthy, godly...
Have you been hurt at church? One of the biggest barriers to men going to church is the people IN the church! In this week's interview, Pastor Jim Ramos is joined by Wendell Morton to teach you practical ways to deal with the wounds you've received...