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Interview Episodes

An interview with an expert in Christian manhood. Past guests include authors and thought-leaders like John Eldredge, Gary Chapman, Gene Getz, Patrick Morely, and Emerson Eggerich.
June 25, 2021

Unleash Your Best in Life and Work w/ Eric Boles EP 455

Eric Boles is the CEO and Founder of The Game Changers, Inc., a noted global expert in talent development and peak performance. Eric greatest impact and focus is on people. His perspectives on managing and leading change, transforming culture and...

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June 18, 2021

Winning the Digital Cocaine Battle and Navigating Through It with You…

If you are a dad you need to listen to this episode! Your kids probably already have an addiction to something and you may not even realize it! Brad Huddleston is an internationally respected speaker, consultant, teacher and author on the important...

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June 4, 2021

Your Bad Father Is No Excuse for Your Poor Fathering w/ Jim Whitmore …

Jim Whitmore shares about his "unique" relationship with his father and how he was still able to honor him. His father was married 15 times, and walked out of Death Row in the State Texas! His story should challenge all men in the area of honoring our...

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May 28, 2021

Fatherly Words of Wisdom from a Fatherless Man Part 2 w/ Kenneth Joyn…

Kenneth Joyner is the director and co-founder of Boys With A Purpose, a nonprofit After-school Mentoring Organization for young boys. The organization has been serving the Charleston, South Carolina area since 2016. Growing  up without his father...

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May 21, 2021

Fatherly Words of Wisdom from a Fatherless Man Part 1 w/ Kenneth Joyn…

Kenneth Joyner is the director and co-founder of Boys With A Purpose, a nonprofit After-school Mentoring Organization for young boys. The organization has been serving the Charleston, South Carolina area since 2016. Growing  up without his father...

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May 14, 2021

Tips to Becoming a Daughter Whisperer From the Dad Whisperer w/ Miche…

In January 2010 Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield founded The Abba Project where she leads dads of daughters ages 13 to 30 to dial in with more intention and consistency to their heart space. She leads a local group in Portland, Oregon annually every year...

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May 6, 2021

The Chosen: The Most Important Thing to Lead Well w/ Justen Overlande…

Justen Overlander is the associate producer of , the first-ever multi-season show about Jesus and His followers. The global success of The Chosen has allowed Justen to reach and remind people that Jesus meets you where you’re at. As a former teacher...

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April 29, 2021

Getting Help When Your Life Is Out Of Control w/ Dan Wobschall EP 439

Dan has been in sexual addiction ministry since 2012 and joined the team at in 2015 where he currently serves as Director . Dan is the currently Executive Director for . He is a sexual addiction recovery coach for men, has been a contributor to the...

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April 15, 2021

Keeping Your Wife Your Best Friend w/ Dr. Clarence Shuler EP 435

was filmed as a marriage expert for one session of Oprah’s “Love Goals” reality show in 2020. He & his wife Brenda are members of FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaway Speaker Team. He serves on the Fatherhood CoMission Board....

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April 9, 2021

7 Tools Every Father Needs w/ Kent Evans EP 433

Kent Evans is the Executive Director and co-founder of Manhood Journey, a ministry that helps fathers become disciple-makers. After a twenty-year career as a business leader, he embarked on biblical Fatherhood ministry projects. He’s appeared on...

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April 2, 2021

Finding Victory Over Your Counterfeit Self w/ Patrick Tyndall EP 431

Patrick is the founder and Executive Director of Ironman Outdoors, a men's ministry whose mission is to "Connect Men to Christ in the Outdoors." Patrick and his army of volunteer pro staffers lead over 40 weekend hunting and fishing retreats for men...

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March 25, 2021

Finding Hope in Despairing Times w/ Thane Marcus Ringler EP 429

Thane Marcus Ringler is a former professional golfer turned speaker, writer, and development coach living in Denver, CO with his wife Evan. Thane is the host of , a podcast all about the process of becoming and living with intentionality, while...

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March 18, 2021

Freedom and Victory from Lust w/ Joe Rigney EP 427

Joe Rigney is assistant professor of theology and literature at Bethlehem College & Seminary in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is also a pastor at Cities Church in St. Paul and the author of: 5 Books including our book for today— He lives in...

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March 11, 2021

Thinking Differently to Unleash Your Potential w/ Greg Stoughton EP 4…

Greg Stoughton was born with ectrodactyly, a rare genetic condition causing him to miss a few fingers and toes at birth, with some of those have being fused. Yet, Greg is an overcomer! Greg Stoughton has served in full time ministry for over three...

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March 5, 2021

How to Become a Better Stepdad w/ Ron Deal Ep 423

More and more families have a stepparenting. In this Podcast Ron Deal helps dads win in step parenting through the day to day conflicts that arise.  Ron L. Deal is one of the most widely read and viewed experts on...

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