Men, it so important for our daughters to hear from us that they are beautiful. They need to be hugged by us and told they are loved. If we don't do it some hormonal boy will fill in the gap.
When a boy is called out to be a man by men he responds. It takes a man to call manhood out of this boy. In this day males are so confused about manhood. So, we have to initiate a rite of passage for our sons!
Matt Friedeman believes that restricting the time our kids watch tv is the best thing we can do for them. Or...kill the flatscreen all-together! it's a radical statement, listen to the statistics surrounding your kids and the television set.
When a man gets it... Families are saved, communities thrive, fatherlessness is eradicated, the porn industry goes limp, drug and alcohol abuse goes down, and the world changes. And God wants to start with you, man. "Fix the men and you fix 80% of the...
In the Bible when God started a movement he almost always started with a man. Our question is, what is your church doing to reach men? If men are the solution shouldn't the church be intentional about reaching them?
Don't go at it alone,men! Get after life with a group of men! It's biblical. Men need to band together to defend against the darkness. Your family needs you to have a defense plan.
Men do hard things. They do things that stretch them. Hear from some of the men who finished the 2019 Death Ruck in Oregon. They had to overcome many things and prepare for the long journey. We want to challenge you to do something hard this year....
It is said that men are responsible for 80% of the world's problems. But they are also the solution to those problems. Are you part of the solution to the world's problems? When a man gets it everyone wins!
You Are The Sum Of The 5 People Closest To You. With that said who are the men on your roof, in your corner, and who call you to greatness? We need those in our lives who have enough courage to call us out and up into manhood.
Men need men in their lives that will bring them to the healing touch of Jesus. When a man is broken and hurting they need men with guts to walk with them into healing. Reach out. Find those guys who will walk with you.
In this episode, Jim speaks about those men that we need in our lives that call us out. What kind of men are they and where are they in our life? We will become like those we spend the most time with.
Who are the men on the roof that we are refering to? These are the guys who got your back. Men need these guys in their life. THey need men with guts, and passion. Who aren't afraid to call you out and up. Enjoy this 4 part series on Men on the...
There may be many causes that men care about. But, if they do not support them they do not get to celebrate with them when they when. How can a man say that a certain team is their team if they never buy a ticket, never put on the team gear, or...
Five Key things that will help you in fighting for your marriage from Jason Karampatsos' book,
Keith Collins shares a simple concept of being a victor in life instead of being a victim. Most have had unfortunate things happen in their life, but those things don't define us.