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Equipping Men In Ten Episodes

Ten-minute, laser-focused teaching by Jim Ramos to help you become your best version of a man.
Aug. 11, 2020

What is More Important, the Wedding or the Marriage? Equipping Men in…

So many spend a great deal of money and attention on the wedding, but when it comes to the marriage they fail to invest financially or put in the work to make it great. As a parent, what will you be willing to do to help your kids' marriage succeed?...

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Aug. 3, 2020

What Daughters Need to Hear from Their Dad EP 367

Men, it so important for our daughters to hear from us that they are beautiful. They need to be hugged by us and told they are loved. If we don't do it some hormonal boy will fill in the gap.

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July 27, 2020

The Three Most Important Things Your Children Must Hear From You! EP …

Do your kids know you love them? Do they know that you are proud of them? This episode is short, but could be the most impactful thing for your kids if you can learn from it.

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July 20, 2020

What is Intimacy Anorexia? EP 363

Intimacy anorexia is relationship disorder that is marked by a lack of intimacy in a relationship. It occurs when someone in a relationship actively withholds emotional, spiritual and sexual intimacy from their spouse or partner. This lack of intimacy...

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June 29, 2020

The 5 Things Men Carry On Their Manhood Journey EP 357

Men are made to carry heavy loads. What does that mean? What different things are men required to carry to be a Man?

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June 15, 2020

Learning to Love Those You Love EP 353

Do you know your loved one's love language?  online. We encourage you to take it and have your spouse and kids take it.

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June 8, 2020

Creating a Climate of Connection in Your Blended Family EP 351

This Equipping in Ten breaks down some practical steps that you can do to create a climate of connection in your blended family. Jim takes some nuggets from Ron Deal's book Jim also shares what his family did when he was in the growing up in his...

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May 26, 2020

7 Virtues of a Strong Man EP 347

In Mark Batterson's book, , he writes about the 7 virtues a man should have to become the man God created him to be. Jim Ramos breaks each one down in this short equipping podcast. 1. Tough Love 2. Childlike Wonder 3. Will Power 4. Raw Passion 5. True...

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May 21, 2020

No Grit, No Glory! EP 346

We believe that too many men these days lack Grit. If things get hard some males bail. If the "Feeling" of love dwindles they bail. "Men are made for pressure" - Brian Doyle In this episode we challenge men to have Grit. Boots on the Ground If you are...

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May 19, 2020

How to Build Grit Into Your Life EP 345

In this episode Jim shares about those areas in our lives that we may need to build some grit into. For some it may be our diet. For some it might be purity or thought life. Only you know what that is for you. Jim wants to encourage you to build some...

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May 11, 2020

Saying Goodbye to Fear EP 343

During uncertain times we may find ourselves scared or fearful. Jim Ramos shares what our response to fear should look like. What has caused you fear recently and where is your focus?

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May 4, 2020

Finding Joy in the Midst of Covid-19 EP 341

This episode is from our Covid-19 series which we have been producing Live on Facebook each day at 4pm PST. To find all of these video messages follow this With all the distractions in this world what is causing you not to focus on Jesus so you can...

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April 28, 2020

Be the Calm in the Midst of the Storm EP 339

In this episode Jim shares some practical advice from scripture on staying CALM in the midst of the storms of life. Especially in the midst of Covid-19. What does it look like to stay CALM?

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April 16, 2020

Arena Questions with Gary McCusker and Ray De La Nuez Pt. 2 EP 336

Nathan from Minnesota, ‪How do you go about meeting single Christian women... I mean seriously, there seems to be an issue within Christian men and Christian culture or maybe it's me. I just don't get it. Dating is the dumbest thing and same with...

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