Fighting Apathy - FAITHFUL (1 Timothy 3:2) 1. I follow strict moral boundaries to ensure my fidelity. 2. My wife would say that I consider her the most important person to me. MODERATE (1 Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7) 1. There is no food, drink,...
PROTECTING INTEGRITY A. RESPECTED (1 Timothy 3:2) I have been told that I am a role model. I am known as a man of my word. B. PATIENT...
Jim Ramos Reveals his Life Work that we believe will be live changing for 1000's of men around the world. With the help of God's word Jim helps men to identify what a godly man looks like and for men to identify where they are at on their...
When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. When we step into manhood we think Her first. When we act like a male AKA, a boy we think of ourselves first. If you want to have more...
Jim Ramos answers the question, Why your wife wants to control you. Wether it is conscious or subconscious she has a natural propensity to do this and it has been happening since the beginning of time. Why is this?
Do you pray with your spouse? Is this something you never do or maybe just when you are in crisis? We would like to encourage you to make this an ongoing habit in your marriage and you will be surprised at how God moves in your relationship.
A more fulfilled life comes with having a mentor/ confidant. Where do you find this guy? Why do so many guys lack this person in their life? We would love to hear from you on this.
Have you ever been asked what your mission in life is? What are you here for? Or do you have a vision for your life? Guys we have to answer these questions. You knowing this will help you to live your life with direction. It is a tragedy to live your...
How are you goals coming along that you set for the year. Jim shares some things that have worked for him in the past when it comes to achieving his goals in hopes that they will help you on your journey.
We all worship something, and the way we spend our money and resources shows what we love and worship. Are you a generous person, giving to kingdom causes? Or are you building wealth for your comfort? What does the way you spend and invest in...
Are your goals SMART? Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time Sensitive In order to reach your goals these are very important things to consider. Link to Jim’s Message
God has done some amazing things in and through the ministries of Men in the Arena. We are beyond excited about what He has accomplished and what we know He will do in 2021. Listen to what is ahead for all of us in The Arena!
The episode is from a message Jim Ramos gave to the men at our weekly Arena Men's Gathering. Bro-lationships are so important and Jim unpacks what they should look like. Are your bro-lationships unhealthy and co-dependent? Or are you and your...
In this episode Jim shares how he built his garage gym to stay fit during the pandemic. Jim shares what to look for and what to avoid. Follow @themeninthearena on instagram to see pictures of Jim's garage gym. Reach out if you want more info. ...
When asked what is the manliest thing a guy can do, what comes to mind? In this equipping episode we want to challenge you to think differently. When you think of confession what does this cause you to think of? What does it look like? ...