In this episode, Jim Ramos shares what it looks like to be a faithful man. Guardrail #1 Never develop an emotional connection to another woman. Proverbs 29:3 and 5:3-4 Guardrail #2 Never be alone with a woman behind closed doors or alone in...
In this episode, Jim Ramos shares the three causes that are very important to us. Missionaries Military (oversees active) Men in Underdeveloped Nations Strategic partnership: We believe in forming strategic partnerships with diverse,...
In this episode, Jim Ramos shares what we at Men in the Arena believe and why it is important. Christ-centered: We unapologetically trust Jesus Christ to protect, grow, and bless Men in the Arena. We will stand up, speak up, and show up for Jesus even...
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Cut it Straight
Jim gives you some practical things you can do this Christmas to keep Christ in Christmas. You can also find some great ideas from past Christmas episodes. Check out Episodes , , and . The Bethlehem Star on Boots on the Ground: What do you do...
Men, you are called to be the leaders in your home. You are also the spiritual leader. This should not cause you fear because you are not sure what to do. It should, however, cause you to do something. Anything. Just lead. “A leader is one who...
Thank you for for helping us get to Episode 500! Because of our listeners we have been able to reach men in 126 countries and help them take a step closer to becoming their best version in Christ. In this episode we take a stroll back to some of...
The sacrificial man lays his life down for others. He fights for the great kingdom causes in this world. He willingly serves others when it is not convenient. This man is a Full capacity Man. THINK OF YOURSELF, LESS For the overseer...
Are you a servant to others? Are you compelled to serve because the living Spirit lives in you? The Christian man is a servant. “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will...
A devout man has certain characteristics that set him apart from other men who call themselves “Christians.” How are you doing in these areas. For the overseer must be…devout. —Titus 1:7-8 Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus,...
In this episode Jim challenges fathers to do some sort of rite of passage with his kids. How will they know they entered manhood? It is up to fathers to usher them into this stage in their lives. It is also important to bring other men around them to...
The good man is not always a nice man. The Good man does good things, spends time with good people, and his actions are good. Men, stop being a nice man and be a good man. of Tell Them, What Great Fathers Tell Their Sons and Daughters
A full capacity man is a generous man. He knows that he can not out give God. With the riches God has given you, are you generous with them? Jim shares from his book Full Capacity Man, how a generous man lives. An overseer must be…free from the love...