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May 21, 2024

Write Your Obituary: Do This ONCE to Change Your Life Forever – Equipping Men in Ten EP 733

Men, are you stuck in the daily grind? Wondering if you’re getting anywhere? Often we can’t see the forest for the trees. How do you zoom out to see the bigger picture in the Stress Bubble? In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, pastor Jim...

Men, are you stuck in the daily grind? Wondering if you’re getting anywhere? Often we can’t see the forest for the trees. How do you zoom out to see the bigger picture in the Stress Bubble? In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, pastor Jim Ramos teaches you the activity that he did once 25 years ago which still impacts his life today. In fact, the ministry of Men in the Arena is a direct result of it!

Men, it’s time to write your own obituary! You’ll walk away from this episode with Jim’s 10 hints and a step-by-step action plan for how to look to the end of your life in order to change your life right away. If you do this activity once, it will help you live a life of meaningful achievement and purpose starting today.

Read young Jim Ramos' PROPHETIC obituary! If you write one using these steps, send it to us  – we want to see it!   

[Honor God through your fitness. Use code 'ARENA30' at for 6 weeks free access to the MTNTOUGH fitness app.]