Take the DAD TYPE QUIZ! Which of the 8 Dad Types Are You?
Oct. 31, 2022

Real Men Show Up: A Lesson from Jesus - Equipping Men in Ten EP 591

Christian man, are you TIRED? Are you stressed? We don't call that 20-year period where you're raising your family The Stress Bubble for nothing. You're not alone - Jesus was tired, too. But he showed up. This week, Jim Ramos walks you through a time...

Christian man, are you TIRED? Are you stressed? We don't call that 20-year period where you're raising your family The Stress Bubble for nothing. You're not alone - Jesus was tired, too. But he showed up. This week, Jim Ramos walks you through a time when Jesus was tired, and what He did. He outlines three ways that you can show up like Jesus.

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