Jan. 3, 2022

Stage 4 Cancer to 65K Push-Ups w/ Rod Handley EP 505

Stage 4 Cancer to 65K Push-Ups w/ Rod Handley EP 505
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Men in the Arena Podcast - Christian Men's Podcast

Inspiration for our 65k Push-Up Challenge! This interview will be a huge inspiration for you on your push-up journey. Rod Handley inspired our challenge! Rod had Stage 4 cancer, and was so weak that he couldn't do a single push-up, but then decided he...

Inspiration for our 65k Push-Up Challenge! This interview will be a huge inspiration for you on your push-up journey. Rod Handley inspired our challenge! Rod had Stage 4 cancer, and was so weak that he couldn't do a single push-up, but then decided he was going to do 200 per day, 6 days per week. By the end of the year, he was cranking out 200 strict push-ups! This is a must-listen.

Rod Handley is the Founder & President of Character that Counts, a ministry established in 2000. Rod speaks all across the nation to men, women and teenagers about character, integrity and accountability issues. He has written over 30 books including "Character Counts: Who's Counting Yours?" which details the “why’s” and “how’s” of accountability. For over 35 years, Rod has shared at hundreds of men’s events, conferences and retreats all across the nation.

From 1986-1999, he served on the staff of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, including 11 years as the COO/CFO. He has also spoken at hundreds of chapel services for a number of NFL, NBA and MLB teams, including serving as team chaplain for the Kansas City Royals (1995-2009) and the Seattle SuperSonics (1986-89). Rod and his wife Janna live in Lee's Summit, MO and they have four children.

Here's How the 65k Push-Up Challenge Will Work:

  • Record your reps on the calendar here!
  • At the end of each month, we'll send you an email asking for your check-in. Simply reply to that email with a pic of that month's calendar. 
  • If you hit the 65,000 push-up goal before midnight December 31, 2022, you have officially slayed this challenge.
  • At the end of the year, you'll send photos of your completed calendar. We'll send you a certificate of completion and some commemorative merch (still figuring that part out, but we've got some cool ideas).

FAQs and Housekeeping Stuff:

  • Q: Do they have to be strict push-ups?
    No. They can be strict, knee, wall, box, incline - I don't care what you do as long as you do it. The guy who inspired this challenge started out unable to do a single push-up and by the end he was knocking out 200 a day. Challenge yourself and improve.
  • Q: Do I need to videotape myself to prove I did them?
    A: Nah, honor system. You'll send us photos of your calendar for accountability more than anything. If you give me your word of honor that you did them, I'll believe you.
  • Q: I did 64,999 push-ups because [insert excuse here]. Can I still get my certificate, merch, etc.?
    No participation trophies.
  • Q: What inspired this challenge? Where did the number 65,000 come from?
    A: This challenge was inspired by my friend Rod Handley from Character that Counts. He was recovering from a rare form of cancer and decided to do 200 push-ups per day, 6 days per week and came up with that 65k goal. At first he couldn't do a single push-up, but by the end of the year he was cranking out 200 a day. If he can do it, so can you! Next Monday, I'll be interviewing Rod about his experience with this push-up challenge on the Men in the Arena podcast. That'll be really motivating and inspiring on your push-up journey, so make sure to listen to that episode.
  • Q: How many emails am I going to be getting here?
    A: For the challenge, you'll get one each month for your check-in. Maybe also an occasional one if I think of something inspirational to say to you about it, but it's not going to be frequent. You'll also automatically start receiving our Weekly Equipping Blast each Friday. It's designed to equip you to be a better man, so I'd encourage you to check it out, but if you don't want it you can manage your email preferences to only receive emails about the 65k Push-Up Challenge. We won't share your email or identity with anyone.
  • When you post videos or pics to social media about your progress, use the hashtag #65kpushupchallenge and tag us @themeninthearena so we can reshare and hype you up!
  • If you have friends that want to start late, tell them to hit us up. The more the merrier.
  • If you're not familiar with Men in the Arena, check out our website to learn more about us.

If you have any questions I haven't addressed here, feel free to email us at info@meninthearena.org or DM me on our Men in the Arena socials.

Let's get after it!

Pushing-Up to Become His Best Version,

Jim Ramos

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