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Dec. 15, 2023

Loving Your Wife Through Brokenness (How My Husband Did It) w/ Heidi St. John EP 699

You're VERY aware of your wife's broken areas, but it's not always clear what to do about them. It helps to hear how another guy did it right!

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Men in the Arena Podcast - Christian Men's Podcast

[Honor God through your fitness. Use code 'ARENA30' at mtntough.com for 6 weeks free access to the MTNTOUGH fitness app. ] You're VERY aware of your wife's broken areas, but it's not always clear what to do about them. It helps to hear how another guy did it right! In this unique episode, we get a refreshing female perspective on how one husband tackled the problem of his wife's brokenness. This week, podcaster Heidi St. John joined Jim Ramos to give you practical tips and examples of what her husband did to love her through her brokenness and small steps he took—that you can adopt—which added up over time to help her heal and create a thriving marriage.