Forgiving the Unforgivable: 7 Steps to Overcome Your Bitterness and Find Freedom w/ Bruce Hebel EP 586

We know that we're supposed to forgive, but what if someone has wronged you so deeply that you don't know where to start? Are you ready to find freedom from the bitterness that's been dragging you down? In this week's interview, joined us to teach...
We know that we're supposed to forgive, but what if someone has wronged you so deeply that you don't know where to start? Are you ready to find freedom from the bitterness that's been dragging you down? In this week's interview, Dr. Bruce Hebel joined us to teach you how to forgive using his 7 Protocols of Forgiveness. You've heard it before: "Bitterness is the poison we drink hoping someone else dies." You've been drinking poison, brother, but this episode is your 7-step antidote.
Get your copy of Bruce Hebel's book, Forgiving Forward: Unleashing the Forgiveness Revolution
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