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Sermons By Jim Ramos Episodes

An extended teaching from our host, Jim Ramos, on an area of Christian manhood.
Nov. 26, 2022

Bonus: Jim-Ramos Preaching at Yamhill Christian Church: You're Gettin…

Jim Ramos preaches on "The Hospitable Man" from Titus 1:7-8 and 1 Timothy 3:2. What you thought was hospitality may be blown up by what the scripture actually means.   of Jim's Newest Free Book Download!

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Nov. 12, 2022

Bonus Episode: Jim Ramos Preaching at Hermiston Nazarene Church on Ps…

Jim Ramos is speaking at Hemiston Nazarene Church from Psalm 46:10. Jim share how he listens to the voice of God. When was the last time you went into a quiet place to hear from God?  How to hear from God Heart of a Champion, Are you all in for...

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June 23, 2022

Not-So-Spiritual Truths About Spiritual Leadership: Jim Ramos at Yamh…

This special Father's Day episode is from Jim Ramos at Yamhill Christian Church. What is that ONE WORD? It is mind-boggling how many men are caught off guard by that ONE WORD. That ONE WORD  has stopped men in their tracks. ...

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June 7, 2022

That ONE WORD: What the Bible Says to Men About Spiritual Leadership …

There are three very specific things the Bible requires of a man who is the spiritual leader in his home. He must Protect, Provide and Preside, but it cannot stop there.  Jim will unpack how the Full Capacity Man steps into his...

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Feb. 18, 2022

God Starts with Men, Jim in Greenville, Mississippi EP 518

This episode was recorded live in Greenville, Mississippi at the First Baptist Church, men's Wild Game Night.  Jim shares how God starts with men to do great things and you are that man that God wants to use.   of Tell Them, What Great...

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Feb. 3, 2022

How to Make 2022 the Best Year of Your Life w/ Jim Ramos EP 514

Jim Ramos is speaking at Maranatha Church in Wyoming Minnesota on how you can make 2022 the best year of your life.  of Tell Them, What Great Fathers Tell Their Sons and Daughters

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Sept. 23, 2021

What Great Fathers Tell Their Sons and Daughters w/ Jim Ramos EP 481

In this episode, Jim shares from his newest book, Tell Them: What Great Fathers Tell Their Sons and Daughters. This is a free download for a limited time.  In this book, Jim shares 200 things that dads should share with their kids. Each page is...

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Aug. 26, 2021

What Matters Most, Psalm 46:10 Jim at Yamhill Christian Church EP 473

Jim is speaking at Yamhill Christian Church sharing how he listens to the voice of God. When was the last time you went into a quiet place to hear from God?  How to hear from God Heart of a Champion, Are you all in for Jesus? Pencil of a Sharp...

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April 22, 2021

Do You Have the Grit Needed to See Your Dreams Come To Fruition? Jim …

In this episode we will hear from Jim Ramos speaking At Boones Chapel in Prattville, Alabama. Every so often we will feature Jim speaking live at one of his event. At the end of this episode go to and pick up Jim’s newest Book, Strong Man...

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Dec. 17, 2020

Jim Ramos Preaches Eternal Father at Yamhill Christian Church EP 405

Jim Ramos preaches at Yamhill Community Church. What is in a name? In Jesus Name? This Christmas do you celebrate the Jesus in the Bible? The Messiah. The only uncreated one.

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March 5, 2020

Who Are Your Men on the Roof? Jim Ramos Live In Mattoon IL EP 324

Jim Ramos is speaking to the men of Mattoon IL about the men on the roof in your life. Jim is a passionate and challenging speaker that will cause you to inspect your life and apply principles that will help put you and your family on a new course...

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