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Sermons By Jim Ramos Episodes

An extended teaching from our host, Jim Ramos, on an area of Christian manhood.
Dec. 20, 2024

Anepilemptos: The Silent Attack that Takes Strong Christian Men Down …

Ever wondered what it truly means to live above reproach? Are you living a life worthy of being called a leader? In this message, Jim shares a powerful story and biblical truths to push you to examine your life and confront the areas where you need to...

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Oct. 25, 2024

Become God’s Man: 3 Ways Jesus Followers Differ from ‘Jesus Fans’ - J…

Are you just a fan of Jesus or a true follower? Being a true follower is tough. It requires us to give our unconditional commitment. It's a willingness to break free from our comfort zones. It's a call to leave behind excuses and fully embrace...

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Sept. 6, 2024

How to Endure and Finish Strong like Job - Jim Ramos at The MAG Ep 764

Do you feel tethered to your past failures, hurts, and insecurities? Men, we are called to show grit and push past our shortcomings to let the world feel the full force of who we are in Christ.  In this message in the “Take Courage” series...

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July 12, 2024

Jonah in the Bible: Saying YES to God – Message at the MAG EP 748

Do you struggle to say YES to the things God places on your heart? It’s a struggle for many of us, including Jonah in the Bible. Today, Pastor Jim Ramos teaches from the story of Jonah and the power of saying YES to God’s will and the dangers of...

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March 22, 2024

Strong OR Courageous? How to Be Both – Jim Ramos at The MAG EP 716

Strength and courage. Can you have one without the other? These words are used over and over and commonly paired up in the Bible. In this message, Jim teaches the importance of why these words are often paired together, and what it means when you only...

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March 4, 2024

How to STOP Being a Coward: God Won’t Give You Courage – Jim Ramos at…

How can a coward get courage? It’s not a commandment, it’s not a mosaic law, it’s not a fruit of the spirit and it’s not a Spiritual gift. So what is courage? Today at the MAG, Pastor Jim Ramos covers the first attribute of courage and also...

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Feb. 23, 2024

The Christian Man in BED: You're Wife's Big "O" - Jim Ramos at The MA…

Did you know that the Bible talks about your wife's "big O"? It does! What does a Christian man look like in the bedroom? In this week's message, pastor Jim Ramos and the guys from The MAG talk about what the Bible has to say about your O, hers, and...

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Feb. 20, 2024

The Mistake Millions of Husbands Are Making: Framing Your Wife - Equi…

Are you one of the millions of men who are making Jim's biggest marriage mistake? In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, Jim Ramos shares his biggest marriage mistake. This topic consistently goes viral on our social media channels, with millions...

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Feb. 16, 2024

Let's Talk About SEX, Baby! What Married Sex Should Look Like - Jim R…

In this message, Pastor Jim Ramos opens up his Sex Box, teaching you the lies our culture tells us about sex and what married sex is supposed to look like. This message is from The MAG, The McMinville Area Gathering for men, which meets weekly most...

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Dec. 5, 2023

Christian Man: No Pain, No Gain - Jim Ramos at The MAG EP 696

[Honor God through your fitness. Use code 'ARENA30' at mtntough.com for 6 weeks free access to the MTNTOUGH fitness app. mtntough.com] In this 30-min message given by Jim Ramos at a local gathering of Christian men, he teaches you what "No Pain, No...

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Nov. 27, 2023

Men, Build Your WALL: How to Protect the Women in Your Life - Jim Ram…

Honor God through your fitness. Use code 'ARENA30' at mtntough.com for 6 weeks free access to the MTNTOUGH fitness app. In this 30-min message given by Jim Ramos at a local gathering of Christian men, he teaches you what it means to become a WALL...

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July 29, 2023

Bonus: Jim Ramos Preaching on 'Christian Anxiety' at Yamhill Christia…

As anticipated, we received some pushback on Jim's 10-minute equipping episode on how Christians can deal with anxiety (). He addresses some of the concerns raised, and elaborates on the point, while preaching at Yamhill Christian Church in this bonus...

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March 25, 2023

The OG Christian Series #1: Stability of the OG - Jim Ramos at The MA…

This is the first of six installments in our “OG (“Original Gangster” aka “Old Guy”) Series. In it, we'll take a deep dive into each of the six expectations of “older men” (aka Elder Statesmen) listed in Titus 2:2, “Older men are to be...

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March 11, 2023

Bonus: How Clean is Your Cup? - Jim Ramos at The MAG

In this bonus recording of Jim Ramos speaking at a local gathering for men in McMinnville, Oregon, he outlines his new theme for the year - "Clean the Cup" - and what it means to the Godly man.

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March 4, 2023

Bonus: Who Are You? How to Figure Out Your Unique Purpose - Jim Ramos…

In this bonus episode, Jim Ramos asks WHO ARE YOU? God has a unique design for each man. Here's how to figure out yours. We will be look at the story of Moses in Exodus 3-4 to answer the three most important questions a man can ask: Who are I? ...

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