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Interview Episodes

An interview with an expert in Christian manhood. Past guests include authors and thought-leaders like John Eldredge, Gary Chapman, Gene Getz, Patrick Morely, and Emerson Eggerich.
June 28, 2018

10 Great Things Great Dads Do #2 w/ Rick Johnson EP 156

In 2001, bestselling author and speaker Rick Johnson founded Better Dads, based on the urgent need to empower men to lead and serve in their families and communities. Rick’s books have expanded his work to include influencing the whole family, with...

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June 22, 2018

10 Great Things Great Dads Do #1 w/ Rick Johnson EP 154

In 2001, bestselling author and speaker Rick Johnson founded Better Dads, based on the urgent need to empower men to lead and serve in their families and communities. Rick’s books have expanded his work to include influencing the whole family, with...

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June 14, 2018

Be Men w/ JT McCraw EP 152

began working when he was just nine years old. In those days, he picked up scraps for his dad who was a professional tradesman and small business owner. Years later, JT would rise to become one of Nashville’s premier upscale custom...

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June 7, 2018

Pain, People, Purpose, Power, Play w/ Tom Gensler EP 150

Tom and his beautiful wife Lisa have been married since 2004 and are in love with Jesus and each other. They have five children Ruby (8) Moses (5) Gabriel (4) Shiloh & Selah (10 months) and they reside in Decatur IL.  Tom is a graduate from...

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May 31, 2018

Second Chances w/ Steve Etner EP 148

Steve Etner Author, Speaker, Purity Coach  The Pure Man Ministry (a ) 30440 Quail Pointe Drive Granger, IN 46530 717-4-PURITY   Transformed Living through Renewed Thinking (Romans 12:2) -a 1-on-1 accountability program...

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May 17, 2018

The Rescuer W/ Scott Stoutenberg EP 144

Scott Stoutenberg is a volunteer for Destiny Rescue. Destiny Rescue is an internationally-recognized Christian non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing children trapped in the sex trade. Our vision is to rescue the sexually exploited and...

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May 10, 2018

Six Essentials to Live By w/ Dr. Pat George EP 142

In this episode, Dr. Patrick George unpacks the six essential we should live by. If one is out of balance it can have devastating effects on the rest of our bodies. Enjoy this episode.

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May 3, 2018

What are your Essentials w/ Greg McKeown EP 140

Greg McKeown has dedicated his career to discovering why some people break through to the next level—and others don’t. The definitive treatment of this issue is addressed in McKeown’s latest project: the instant New York Times and Wall...

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April 26, 2018

Mentors Needed! W/Ray Howell EP 138

OUR MISSION: Put a bow in a kid’s hand and lead their family to the Lord—one-on-one. The Kicking Bear Ministry is a nationwide faith-based, non-denominational youth program. It was founded in 2000 by Ray Howell as a 501(c)3 organization. Kicking...

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April 19, 2018

Man on Target w/ Vince D'Acchioli EP 136

Vince D’Acchioli is the founder and president of On Target Ministries, a Christian outreach to men, pastors, and couples. In the past two decades, Vince’s seminars, workshops and church services have touched the lives of tens of thousands of...

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April 13, 2018

Tackling Life w/ Brent Jones EP 134

Brent Michael Jones (born February 12, 1963) is a former who played almost his entire (NFL) career with the from 1987 to 1997. He was selected in the fifth round of the by the . Jones won three rings with the 49ers and was three times named...

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April 5, 2018

BRONation w/ Trent Fisher EP 132

Trent Fisher and Kody Kellom started   Born and Raised Outdoors is a group of "Hardcore Bowhunters" that push the physical limits of their bodies to bring you the reality of "Over The Shoulder" bowhunting.   Well, it has been a couple years...

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March 29, 2018

Manly Man Vs. Weak Wimp w/ Stephen Mansfield EP 130

Are you a manly man or a wimp? No one wants to be known as a wimp but so few know what is a manly man looks like. What maxims should a man live by? Who wants to be the best version of himself? Join our show with New York Times Best Selling Author...

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March 22, 2018

What Your Woman Needs w/ Dr. Willard Harley Jr. EP 128

Young men are clueless and what a woman really needs and are shell-shocked when they discover that everything they thought about women changed the day AFTER they got married. What's worse is when a man discover this 25 years later when his wife leaves...

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March 15, 2018

Marriage After Infidelity w/ Dr. Earl Wilson EP 126

Dr. Earl Wilson “God has called Sandy and me to minister to people in crisis resulting from pornography and other forms of sexual entanglements.  These invariably bring pain and destruction.  “After having lived for the Lord for many...

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