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May 23, 2019

The Christian Man w/ Patrick Morley EP 245

For decades Patrick Morley has been regarded as one of America’s most respected authorities on the unique challenges and opportunities facing men. Through his speaking and writing, he is a tireless advocate for men, encouraging and inspiring them to...

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Men in the Arena Podcast - Christian Men's Podcast

For decades Patrick Morley has been regarded as one of America’s most respected authorities on the unique challenges and opportunities facing men. Through his speaking and writing, he is a tireless advocate for men, encouraging and inspiring them to change their lives in Christ.


“The ministry of Man in the Mirror exists,” says Patrick Morley, “in answer to the prayers of all those wives, mothers, and grandmothers who have for decades been praying for the men in their lives.”

Patrick Morley graduated with honors from the University of Central Florida. He has earned a PhD in management, completed postgraduate studies at the Harvard Business School and Oxford University, and graduated from Reformed Theological Seminary. He lives in Winter Park, Florida, with his wife, Patsy. They have two married children and five grandchildren.

www.christianmanbook.com  www.maninthemirror.org 

Boots on the Ground. Got to website download the free coaching guide. and Buy the book The Christian Man. Read it.

Daily prayer of a Husband. Father, I said til death do us part. I want to meet it. Help me to love you more than her and her more than anything or anyone else, help me bring her into your presence today. Make us one like you are three in one. I want to hear her, cherish her, and serve her so she would love you more and we can bring you glory.