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Essential Podcast for Christian Men.
I’ve started listening to this podcast several months ago and after listening to the wisdom that Jim and his guests have blessed us with, my life has been on the upswing. I use to run from responsibilities, but the men here have really helped me to turn around and confront what I’ve been running from, big and small. So much so, that even my wife and family has been making comments about my change. I couldn’t be more grateful for this content and I can’t recommend it enough. Keep up the wonderful work.

Found a great podcast!
This pod is an excellent way to connect with my sons and share a conversation about the topic.

Great content
I’m very glad to have found this podcast. I’ve been looking for a good Christian podcast geared towards guys for a long time, and Jim does a great job staying focused on the Bible through the interviews. Listening encourages me to keep working at learning more and thinking ahead to how I can best live out my faith in real life.

Love the content but
I really think all the 3-6 minute episodes cheapen this show. I have to sift through the content each time for longer episode. The podcast medium is not meant for 4 minute clips with 2 minutes of intro and ads. I’d guess it’s only done for discoverability reasons If it was only the long form episodes I’d give a 5 star all day long.

Be a man, listen to this podcast.
Jim Ramos has helped re-build my relationship with Jesus and I’ve never met the man face to face. This is a podcast for men who want to be true leaders and warriors for Christ.

Love it
Jim talks to men in “normal talk”. He’s not politically correct, he’s relatable, and he comes from a place of constant learning. He teaching is based from the Bible and from his mistakes.

Came for the quote, stayed for the show
Google brought this podcast up on my search for Men in the Arena, based on a favorite quote. Started listening a few weeks back and now I can’t stop. Solid teaching biblical and real. So wish I’d heard many of these messages when I was younger. May not have lived it out well to date, but I still have breath in these lungs and until He calls me home .. I’m staying in the arena!

Thank you
Thank you

Game Changer
I’ve listened to every episode of this podcast and as a result, myself, children and wife have been profoundly impacted for the better. Jim and his teachings have accompanied me on a near 4 year epic journey of honing myself as a radical follower of Jesus Christ, husband, father, neighbor and coworker. This podcast has shepherded me through welcoming my two youngest children into my family, starting a men’s ministry at my local church, identifying a Silas, Paul and Timothy in my life, joining a church small group, and overcoming lustful sin. I have worked as a correctional officer, social worker and child protection worker and have seen the wake of destruction caused by “males”. I seriously resonate with Jim’s mission of creating an army of men to be the best version of themselves and believe that the world can be changed by one man at a time. I challenge men to be bold enough to get off the bleachers and into the fray; to dare them to become their best versions. It will change you and the people around you as it has for me and my family. Thank you Jim for your faithfulness and passion in reaching the hearts of men! -Brandon in VT

Wish I would have found this sooner
This podcast has literally been a Godsend. I started listening to an episode about stopping yelling which directly resonated with my wife asking me to stop for a while as it was having a negative effect on our family. I just didn’t understand as I didn’t think I was. That episode convicted me of my ignorance and shortcomings and helped redirect me to not yell about every little thing and to be more mindful of my tone and my role as a Godly husband and father. Almost brought tears to my face, but I was overcome with emotion. I know I am imperfect. It made me want to be better immediately. I’ve been working on that. My son even thanked me recently for not yelling. I have also been trying to listen to as many episodes as I can to learn and grow more in my faith and as a man for my family. I thank God so much for this show. It will help turn around my relationship with my wife and children. God bless y’all.

For men who want to get better
This podcast will challenge you. Be ready for Jim to call you out and call you up as a man. I’m grateful for this content.

Men in the Arena is a must-listen for any Christian man who wants to be the best version of himself.
Jim is a passionate and engaging host who brings in a wide range of guests to discuss topics like leadership, fatherhood, marriage, and spiritual growth. Overall, Men in the Arena is a fantastic podcast for Christian men. It's informative, inspiring, and challenging. I highly recommend it to any man who wants to grow in his faith and become a better husband, father, and leader. And, I love that it's not interrupted with A LOT of mid-roll ads!

Hero story!!!
Men in the arena is like a gateway to being a biblical man and father. I was an alcoholic and addicted but almost 5 years ago I got clean. I thought that was enough but through this podcast I have learned how to be on fire for God and lead my family. Through this podcast I have went down rabbit trails to the podcast of guest that have been on here now I am consumed by being a Godly man thanks Men in the arena ( ps I don’t have social media but I hope you will consider me for your hero story thanks again) Erin Ireland

Great advice
What makes the advice in this podcast to useful and important??? It’s because it’s biblically based!!! Keep up the great work!!!!!

Well Worth It!
There are those podcasts that are background noise, there are those that are good, and then there is MEN IN THE ARENA! A true godly tool for men to learn!

Must Listen!
This podcast is an absolute must listen for men. The no-nonsense and clear communication is needed for men today. Appreciate this ministry and the challenges they extend. It’s time to really man up!

Awesome podcast for any Dad!
Great podcast that should be required listening for all Dads and husbands!

Men in the arena
I just discovered the man in the arena podcast and it’s an injection of Christian masculinity that I need. I’m currently binge listening. Prayers of transformation for myself and to be my best version to help my family and the most people I can for what really matters, things that last beyond the grave. It starts now💪🏻

Every man needs to listen!
Men! I am so grateful for this podcast. They cover everything. From fatherhood to bring a husband to being a leader and more. Thanks!!

New to Men in the Arena podcast.
July 18, 2022: Episode 561 with Dale Collver. So very good. The Stupid Year's on parenting. This is a post from a couple of years ago: Grateful that my friend Aaron Stark. Invited me to join. Started at your oldest podcast. I am on my fourth podcast. 17 December 2019 Episode 221 is my favorite episode so far. I started at episode 202. This is a long podcast but worth every minute . Enjoy and be blessed. 21 December 2019 Episode 231 go Air Force Aim High. Moments matter. 23 December 2019 Episode 235. Thanks for sharing this very needed and frank, direct, brutally honest episode. Overcoming by the power of pain. 2 January 2019: Episode 246 Fight For Your Marriage. I needed this today. I am fighting the good fight. Nothing is changing yet and I am getting tired of waiting for God’s Blessings in my marriage. I will continue to do what God wants of me. Even if I am not seeing any changes in my wife. I have many years of toxic bad years to overcome. Philippians 4:13. God has got me. 8 January 2020 Episode 259 Death Ruck 2019. Great listen very encouraging. My do something hard is. Rehabilitation from Left Knee Total Knee Replacement Revision 19 November 2019. I am seven weeks out from surgery. This is the hardest physical, mental, spiritual & emotional thing. I have had to endure thus far in my 59 years. The hard part is that theses four areas are cumulative. My wounds from my past are with me in the present. I will persevere Philippians 4:19

Great ministry
I’m not sure how I stumbled across this podcast or what made me decide to listen to it other than it was the will of God. I’ve been on a journey of self improvement for 2 years now and it feels like I reach a point in my journey where the main thing that was left was to grow deeper in my relationship was God; however, I didn’t realize it until God had me listen to this podcast. Jim does a great job interviewing his guests. Since listening to my first episode I have been binging episodes of this podcast, podcast of his guests, and have noticed a huge difference in my connection to Jesus. For the first time I feel like I am doing life with Jesus and part of the credit for that goes to the existence of the Men in The Arena community and their partner organizations.

New to Men in the Arena podcast.
Grateful that my friend Aaron Stark. Invited me to join. Started at your oldest podcast. I am on my fourth podcast. 17 December 2019 Episode 221 is my favorite episode so far. I started at episode 202. This is a long podcast but worth every minute . Enjoy and be blessed. 21 December 2019 Episode 231 go Air Force Aim High. Moments matter. 23 December 2019 Episode 235. Thanks for sharing this very needed and frank, direct, brutally honest episode. Overcoming by the power of pain. 2 January 2019: Episode 246 Fight For Your Marriage. I needed this today. I am fighting the good fight. Nothing is changing yet and I am getting tired of waiting for God’s Blessings in my marriage. I will continue to do what God wants of me. Even if I am not seeing any changes in my wife. I have many years of toxic bad years to overcome. Philippians 4:13. God has got me. 8 January 2020 Episode 259 Death Ruck 2019. Great listen very encouraging. My do something hard is. Rehabilitation from Left Knee Total Knee Replacement Revision 19 November 2019. I am seven weeks out from surgery. This is the hardest physical, mental, spiritual & emotional thing. I have had to endure thus far in my 59 years. The hard part is that theses four areas are cumulative. My wounds from my past are with me in the present. I will persevere Philippians 4:19

Powerful stuff
I am routinely amazed and challenged by this podcast and Jim Ramos. First of all, this guy reads EVERY book he interviews someone for. You can tell some of the guests are even shocked that he actually read the book LOL. Also, I really like the way he defines the opposite of soft as not hard, but solid. I don't want to be a hardened guy, but I sure as heck want to be a solid one. Thanks, Jim! Keep up the good work.

Fabulous! If your a man serious about living like one
I look forward to listening to this podcast a couple of times a week. First thing in the morning I do my devotions, then listen to the newest episode. Every episode has been relevant, convicting, and challenging. It’s not a joke to be a man. It’s not a joke to be a husband or a father either. I’ve been a Christian since I was in grade school, I have experienced the various challenges of the walk. This podcast keeps it real.

Makes me better
Such a wide variety of guest interviews that make me a better man, father, husband, employe, and member of my community.

Better man
If you want to learn how be a better man of God, a better husband & father this is the podcast for you. Real life application from imperfect men who have figured out that godly submission isn’t just for women. Thanks fellas!

Not for boys
Not for boys but men who want to be men.

Regular listener
I’ve been married for 8 years, I have two kids. Listening to this podcast has me constantly thinking and rethinking the way my household is run. It’s been instrumental in making me the man my wife needs me to be, as well as being the dad my son and daughter need. Always looking forward to the next episode!

Thank you! A great Guide to Grow real MEN!
This is truely an inspiration. In a mans world I have been told I’m a “Man”, but really I was nothing. I greatly appreciate this podcast and others I listen to, to help guide me on the path of being a REAL MAN! I have shared this podcast with a few of my brothers in the military, a few guys at work. I want to help spread this the best I can. Thank you again for everything.

Listen! It’ll change your life!
Thank you Jim and the team for this excellent resource for men. I’m always looking forward to what I am going to learn from a new episode.