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Rod Handley

Jan. 3, 2022

Stage 4 Cancer to 65K Push-Ups w/ Rod Handley EP 505

Inspiration for our 65k Push-Up Challenge! This interview will be a huge inspiration for you on your push-up journey. Rod Handley inspired our challenge! Rod had Stage 4 cancer, and was so weak that he couldn't do a single push-up, but then decided he...
Guest: Rod Handley
Nov. 12, 2020

Character Counts: Who's Counting Yours? Part 2 w/ Rod Handley EP 396

This episode is part 2 of the two part interview with Rod Handley. Rod Handley is the Founder & President of , a ministry established in 2000. Rod speaks all across the nation to men, women and teenagers about character, integrity and...
Guest: Rod Handley
Nov. 6, 2020

Character Counts: Who's Counting Yours? Part 1 w/ Rod Handley EP 394

This episode is part 1 of the two part interview with Rod Handley. Rod Handley is the Founder & President of , a ministry established in 2000. Rod speaks all across the nation to men, women and teenagers about character, integrity and...
Guest: Rod Handley