Have you ever wondered how to reach your full potential as a man of God? The journey to becoming a fully realized man of God can feel daunting and overwhelming, but it has to start somewhere. In this week’s unique …
This is a Men in the Arena podcast highlight from EP 471, Imperfect Parenting and How to Be Good at It w/ Dave Wilson.
Are you feeling like your talents or gifts are being wasted during this season of life? Does it feel like you're stuck living in the shadow of what you thought your life would look like? In this week’s 10-minute equipping …
Men are born to RESCUE and LEAD. It’s in our DNA. But too many boys grow up without a father figure to instill this core virtue. If you’re ready to step up, take charge, and lead a mission that truly …
This is a Men in the Arena podcast highlight from EP 435 Keeping Your Wife Your Best Friend w/ Clarence Schuler.
Are you a faithful man? You can become one. In this equipping episode, Jim Ramos teaches you about becoming a Faithful man like Jesus, and what the Bible says faithfulness in the life of a godly Christian man looks like, …
Life is too short to live it without purpose. Wess Stafford has an amazing story and a challenging message for us all! Dr. Wess Stafford, President Emeritus of Compassion International, is an internationally recognized advocate for children in...
This is a reboot of a past episode #239 of the Men in the Arena Podcast. Paul Coughlin is an expert witness regarding bullying and the law, and is a FoxNews analyst and contributor. He is a popular speaker who …
This is a reboot of a past episode #239 of the Men in the Arena Podcast. Dr. Jason Karampatsos is the lead pastor of New Life Assembly of God in Janesville, Wisconsin, the co-founder of the City of Refuge Counseling …
This is a reboot of a past episode #502 of the Men in the Arena Podcast. The Star of Bethlehem documentary referenced in the episode is no longer available for free on YouTube, but is available to stream here: https://bethlehemstar.com/
Ever wondered what it truly means to live above reproach? Are you living a life worthy of being called a leader? In this message, Jim shares a powerful story and biblical truths to push you to examine your life and …
Marriages are breaking down at an alarming rate. What are you doing to safeguard your own? Are you letting the culture erode your relationship? In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos takes on one of the most pressing...
Death Ground. Alexander the Great famously burned his ships to eliminate his troops' option of retreat, compelling them to fight with everything they had. Today, Pastor Jim Ramos challenges us to read a common passage with a new perspective....
Can you teach others about God? How about those in your household, your wife and kids? If you can’t articulate your faith, that’s a miss, brother! In this equipping episode, Jim Ramos teaches you about becoming a teacher like Jesus, …
Many men are walking around claiming they’ve met Jesus, yet their lives look no different. When you’ve truly encountered Jesus, your life won’t stay the same. Just like getting hit by a freight train changes EVERYTHING, an encounter with the...
Do you ever wonder if you're hearing God's voice or if it's just your own thoughts? You're not alone, many men struggle with this question. In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim Ramos shares six powerful ways to distinguish...
Do you struggle to lead the people around you? God calls all men to be leaders. In this equipping episode, Jim Ramos teaches you about becoming the leader Jesus has called you to be and what the Bible says about …
Great dads show up, lead, and stay in the fight. But even the strongest can hit a breaking point and feel like walking away. In this week’s interview, Jim Ramos interviews Kent Evans, author of “Don't Bench Yourself: How to …
Are you just a man who talks about integrity, or are you truly living it? It isn't easy. It means stepping up when it's uncomfortable and choosing courage over convenience. In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim...
Your life is stressful. In the middle of the stress bubble, it's easy to miss how amazing and awe-inspiring God really is. It's time, men, to rediscover our sense of wonder, meaning, and faith.
Do you sacrifice for the people around you? There’s nothing more Christlike than sacrifice. Do you sacrifice your desires, dreams, and hopes for the sake of those you love? In this equipping episode, Jim Ramos teaches you about becoming a...
No way to get around it, brother: you are called to lead your family. But the practical blueprint for success already exists! Jesus showed you exactly what to do in the 5 ways he led the twelve disciples. Discover what …
In today's increasingly divided culture, it can be easy to keep faith separated from politics. Taking a political stand while staying rooted in biblical principles can feel nearly impossible. In this week’s 10-minute equipping episode, Pastor Jim...
Many resources aimed at men often miss the mark when it comes to fostering true spiritual, mental, and physical resilience against life's challenges. We need to be prepared to confront spiritual and cultural darkness as we strive to follow Jesus. …