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Dad Episodes

Nov. 8, 2024

5 Leadership Secrets Jesus Used That Dads Need to Know: Leading Your …

No way to get around it, brother: you are called to lead your family. But the practical blueprint for success already exists! Jesus showed you exactly what to do in the 5 ways he led the twelve disciples. Discover what it means to lead your family...

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Oct. 27, 2023

NO MORE YELLING! Anger-Free Dad Tactics for Winning Power Struggles w…

Find yourself yelling at your kids? Or repeating your own dad's angry parenting patterns, the very ones you swore you'd never use? You know you shouldn't yell, but how else can you win power struggles and get through to your defiant kid? In this...

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Sept. 29, 2023

7 Secrets of Effective Dads w/ Ken Canfield EP 680

If you're gonna be a good dad, you need these 7 things in your tool belt! This week, Dr. Ken Canfield joined Jim Ramos to discuss his bestselling book (more than 100,000 sold) The 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers.

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