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Courage Episodes

March 4, 2024

How to STOP Being a Coward: God Won’t Give You Courage – Jim Ramos at…

How can a coward get courage? It’s not a commandment, it’s not a mosaic law, it’s not a fruit of the spirit and it’s not a Spiritual gift. So what is courage? Today at the MAG, Pastor Jim Ramos covers the first attribute of courage and also...

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July 18, 2023

4 Ways to Get Courage: How Christian Men Became Courageous in the Bib…

Brother, do you need courage? Is God calling you to a place you've never been, or to something you're not sure you can do? Several times in his life, pastor Jim Ramos was deathly afraid of the next step God was calling him to take. Each time, he did a...

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July 14, 2023

Courage According to the Bible: Debunking Courage Myths - Equipping M…

What is courage, and how do you get it? It may not be what you think. In this week's 10-minute equipping episode, pastor Jim Ramos debunks many of the views we’re taught about courage that aren’t biblical. We look at examples of courage from the...

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